Hey everyone! I hope you have had a fabulous two weeks. My mom has always had a thing for beverages. I can tell you that going out for ice cream as a kid she wanted an ice cream soda consisting of Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Soda. When it is cold she wants a good bowl of soup. Whenever it was evening and she was relaxing there was a cup of hot tea in her hand. First thing in the morning she wouldn't converse until there was coffee. In honor of my mother, and my own love of sugar free syrups, this week I am posting just a few of the things I make with my collection of syrups.
There are multiple brands that have sugar free syrups. My top 3 favorites are Jordan's Skinny Syrups, Torani sugar free syrups and Da Vinci sugar free syrups. I will admit that almost all of my collection is from Jordan's Skinny Syrups. Unlike the other 2 brands in my top 3 every single flavor is sugar free whereas the other brands also make full calorie versions. Since my goal is not to have so much sugar or calories buying from a brand where I can't accidentally buy the wrong type is helpful. Plus they have over 80 flavors of sugar free syrups so there are plenty of options.

As you can see my collection is ever growning and I keep a ton of flavored coffee ready to mix and match as well. Additionally, I keep a box containing all sorts of teas nearby as well. However, coffee and tea aren't the only options for using these syrups.
One of the things that make absolutely excellent beverages too are when you can add some air and bubbles. Having a frother nearby makes things AMAZING! Seriously, check out this quick video to see how that almond milk gets bigger and fluffier. A splash of White Chocolate syrup in Unsweetened Almond Milk is only 30 calories and when frothed is pretty fantastic.

This one is my daughter's favorite. We keep decaf cold brew coffee in our fridge nearly all the time. We used the fat free half & half and frothed it so that 2 or 3 tablespoons became a huge puff of dairy goodness. Pour your cold brew and a splash of Cookie Dough syrup over ice then top with the half and half and you have a really decadent drink without any work.

Is creamy tea more your style? I brewed some green tea mixed with Dragon Fruit Acai & Blueberry Burst. Let it steep for a few minutes then ice it down to cool. Once fully chilled add more ice and some fat free Half & Half. It is seriously good.

There is something decadent about flavored fresh whipped cream and fresh fruit. In this instance I mixed 1/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream and a splash (maybe a teaspoon, probably less) of Salted Dark Chocolate Espresso syrup and whipped until light and fluffy. I portioined into 4 portions and saved 3 of these for later snacking while serving one with the fruit as shown. Strawberries and Kiwi make excellent sweet dippers.

Nonfat plain Greek yogurt is a great substitue for sour cream, mayo and regular yogurt recipes. The only problem is it substitues so well because it doesn't have a great snacking flavor without mixing with other things. However, we can fix that as well! I add some Caramel Creme Cheesecake syrup, a few fresh blueberries and crumble a Keto Double Chocolate Cookie into my yogurt. Mix it all up and it is a Caramel Chocolate Cookie Blueberry Yogurt. Better than any premixed yogurt I can find and the flavors are endlessly changable for only 135 calories, 10 net carbs and 17 grams of protein.

Soda used to be a weakness for me. Especially the fun flavors. Sometimes I walk down the cola aisle and see Orange Soda, Strawberry Soda, Berry Soda and plenty of others. I remember when I even used to find Chocolate Soda in some grocery stores. The problem is that these are rarely in diet varieties and the only way to indulge is to throw the rules out for just a small beverage. Now I have more flavors than I could ever want because I add some syrup to Club Soda for a refreshing bubbly drink and no guilt.

POPCORN! Who doesn't love a big bowl of popcorn? When I air pop my kernels I also like to add plenty of flavor. Sweet and salty is a classic for a reason. My favorite combination using the syrups is to take a bit of Salted Caramel syrup and mix with some tap water (that is what resides in that glass container). Spray the hot corn with butter flavor spray, sprinkle with butter flavored salt and then sprinkle with the Salted Caramel and water. Shake it all up and you have a tasty snack. This is also phenomenal with the Cinnamon Dolce syrup.
I have seen a million ways other people use the syrups as well. I have seen a post for Bread Pudding, Cookies, Cakes, Cheesecake and other desserts that use these products. I have seen people use the Peach Ring and Cinnamon Dolce with pork or chicken dishes when you let all those flavors simmer down together. I plan to try and make these cool gelatin desserts one day soon and wish I had come up with this idea first. https://mylifecookbook.com/low-carb-jelly-bean-gelatin-snack/
The best part is that Jordan's Skinny Syrups provide a free bottle with your first order so try a few flavors and if you come up with a new use for yours let me know! I am always on the look out for new ways to try out these products. A referal code for Jordan's Skinny Syrups is https://prz.io/b6RKOZviv

Don't forget that there are plenty of brands that make similar products and they all have some unique flavors. If you go to Torani look for the Belgian Cookie sugar free syrup too! That one is sooo good. Da Vinci has an Egg Nog sugar free syrup. Monin has a Blackberry sugar free syrup. The list goes on for recommendations. If you need some good things to start for beverages try Crazy Cups for coffee and Stash or Twinings variety packs of tea bags. I can't wait to hear what you decide to try!